How to Get Rid of Malware on iPad? 4 Methods

How to Get Rid of Malware on iPad? 4 Methods

Apple’s secured system design has remarkable malware resistance. But it isn’t hundred percent secure. Especially if the user downloads a file from a malicious link or enters a hostile site, should such a situation taking immediate action would be better. So, let’s start. How Do I Get Rid of Malware on iPad Effectively? Following the…

Can Xbox One Get a Virus From Internet Explorer? 5 Effective Prevention Steps

Can Xbox One Get a Virus From Internet Explorer? 5 Effective Prevention Steps

The Xbox One can get infected with malware if the user downloads or visits a website that hosts infected files using Internet Explorer. Yet, it’s notable that Windows 10 serves as the basis for the Xbox One’s os, Xbox OS, and that Windows 10 itself has security protections that can assist prevent virus infection. Furthermore,…

Can Avi Files Have Viruses? 3 Methods of Preventing Virus from Video File Format

Can Avi Files Have Viruses? 3 Methods of Preventing Virus from Video File Format

The AVI file format, which stands for “Audio Video Interleave,” is widely used for saving video as well as audio contents together in a single file. The type depends on RIFF, a package format widely used for storing audio, video, and other types of data. And these files cannot be a virus but they can indeed contain…

Can You Get a Virus From Saving an Image (9 Methods to Avoid It)

Can You Get a Virus From Saving an Image (9 Methods to Avoid It)

These days, it is quite common practice to download and share online photos with friends and family. But we already know that the web is not a safe place, especially because of all the viruses and Hacktivists floating around. To that end, the concern eventually arises whether or not saving an image carries the chances of…

How to Remove Virus From External Hard Disk Without Formatting | 4 Effective Methods

How to Remove Virus From External Hard Disk Without Formatting | 4 Effective Methods

External hard disks are widely used nowadays due to their portability. They are easy to carry as well as offer additional space to store data when the internal hard disk of your PC isn’t sufficient. However, this convenient feature comes with some drawbacks. As the hard drives are easily accessible using the USB port, they…