Freefilesync Malware | Should I Need to Remove It?

Freefilesync Malware | Should I Need to Remove It?

Some user has reported finding malicious activity on the FreeFileSync program. They claimed that their security tools are continuously detecting this as a threat. But how much truth is in it? Is FreeFileSync really malicious for the device?  Don’t worry! This post contains all the relevant information that will help you to provide and understand…

Is Avast Driver Updater Malware? | Can I Trust the Avast Driver Updater?

Is Avast Driver Updater Malware? | Can I Trust the Avast Driver Updater?

The Avast Driver Updater allows the user to scan, update, and repair system drivers easily. Like all other third-party driver updaters, it could be dangerous for the device. Some users have raised questions about whether it is a kind of malware or not. We will inspect the answer to that question on this topic. So,…

[Fixed] Malwarebytes Not Detecting Malware (100% Working)

[Fixed] Malwarebytes Not Detecting Malware (100% Working)

Installed anti-malware tools work like a shield against the ever-evolving threats of a device. Advanced leveled anti-malware tools can provide you maximum protection against threats. Malwarebytes anti-malware tool is one of the most advanced anti-malware tools. In recent days, some user has reported that Malwarebytes stopped working on their device, and it is not detecting…

Spectrum Botnet Malware Detected Letter | How Is It?

Spectrum Botnet Malware Detected Letter | How Is It?

In recent days, many Spectrum (Internet Service Provider) users have reported that they have received a random letter (email). The letter addresses that, they had detected activity from the user’s modem that one or more of the home devices is infected with an advanced type of botnet malware and ask for taking immediate action to…